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How can we monitor our application with StatsD and could be the setup to allow that to happen? Find out in this article and how to use that in a Kong ·...
What is an API Gateway and how can we use it? Kong offers that and in open-source form as well. Find out how the OSS version works! · 1....
How to create tests in micronaut · The problem we are going to look at in this coffee bite is: How to override properties in Micronaut during runtime? In...
My approach to creating a data model for Micronaut and the strategies I used · If we are using any sort of JPA/CRUD transaction system in our projects we...
The first time I looked into reified in Kotlin this was my reaction. It is still very much relevant these days · Kotlin brings with it a lot of new...
Discussing why it is important to use the right String types when putting data in Redis · In one of my past projects, we were working on a project that...